I want to highlight and introduce you all to a Lollipop Girl of C.S.D.
I've compiled a bunch of work that Amy has done here at C.S.D. and I feel like I've watched her grow in her womanhood. And let me tell ya, she's inspired me each and every time!
Check out her stuff!
Amy is an 80's baby and therefore her teen years were the 90's.....you know what that means.....everything in the 90's was OUTRAGEOUS! Check Amy and her friends out as they went out one night.....no, not on the town.....just to Taco Bell. ;-)
In the path to discovery I'm almost positive that we can all say we have asked oursleves this very question.....
While creating with us here at C.S.D. we encourage you to scrap your real-life and we accept your creations even though they aren't the sugar-coated storyline. By doing so, you will continue on the path to discovering that you too are awesome!
As an Army wife of 10 years I am a true believer that you should always live life like there is no tomorrow. I've known so many who have lost their loved ones and because of the life I live, I don't take anyone for granted. You just never know.....
Did I mention that Amy is also an Army wife? Yeah, and if you don't know this.....Army wives have an incredible strength about them.....we're Army strong! WE'RE
We can hold on a year or more at times (when our spouses are deployed) to be close to our loved ones again because that's what you do when it's.....
And while our loved ones are away.....we don't sit at home and sulk about it.....we live life like we're supposed to.....because you can't put life on hold.....trust me.....life won't wait.
Plus, you have to keep going for the kiddos. Amy's got 3 of them and she shares with us their firsts and gives us a peek into their lives.....
She even takes us into their lives as vampires.....just kidding....I know.....that was lame. lol
We look forward to seeing what YOU create here at C.S.D. because we know that these same creations have sentimental value.....sort of like Amy's most recent creation for C.S.D.
This necklace that she made includes charms and other little danglies that all signify something special to Amy. This little piece could actually become a family heirloom.....maybe.....just maybe.
Did I also mention that Amy is in love with Gnomes? Well yeah, she is very much so.....so this newest SWEET CONFECTIONS (Scrapbooking Kit) is based around this little guy.....
Now isn't he just the cutest thing? :said in my baby talk voice:
And check out those other cute buttons.....you'll receive one in a gnome print, one in a damask print, one polka dotted, a bar code, phone numbers and wood grain. How awesome is that???
It's all in the "SNAP CRACKLE POP" Kit
Doesn't this all look so fabulous?!
Here's the kit in it's entirety.....
It includes:
1 Webster's Pages "Life's Portrait" patterned paper
Sassafras "Darling Dear" Vintage Yummy
Sassafras "Pleasantly Puzzled" Vintage Yummy
Autumn Leaves "Epiphany" Life Is
Cosmo Cricket "Wednesday" Girl Friday
Cosmo Cricket "Berries" Hello Sunshine
My Mind's Eye"Checking Out" Bloom & Grow
Colorbok Friendly Forest
7gypsies "Prospect"
American Crafts "Sullivan" Sixth Avenue
Hambly Woodgrain Teal Blue Overlay
American Crafts "Chit Chat" Puffy Letter Stickers
1 Teal Mini Frame w/ stand up backing
Imaginisce 4 different yards "Tied Up With Spring" TwitteredPated Ribbons
K&Company 40 pieces of "Christmas Cheer" Adhesive Gems
Basic Grey Bling It Designer Rhinestones
Colorbok 15 pieces of "Friendly Forest" Adhesive Glitter Acetate Shapes
K&Company 3 "Wild Saffron" Fabric Brads
2 ft. of Vintage Plaid Trimming and
7 Custom-Made Buttons
Snap Crackle Pop = $37.50 + s&h
Limited Quantities Available....Grab yours fast!
To order you must have a Paypal account. Our CONTACT INFO. is located in the top Menu Bar. Please email us your mailing address so we can determine the s&h cost. Thank you!
p.s. Don't forget to.....participate in our latest challenge COTTON CANDY and also enter for your chance to win the American Crafts GIVEAWAY here!